Monday, February 15, 2010

The Invention of Carelessness

I never was the one to follow trends with my age group. I like what I like, and I have no regrets. Sometimes, I can't help but laugh at people that show interest in things that should have never been invented. For example, the snuggie. Why must we need a blanket with armholes? Are people to lazy to uncover their arms and reach for the remote?
We are distracted with all of the gadgets that provide entertainment and comfort. We forget what is truly important. A few days ago, I was cashing out a customer. We have donation buckets for agencies that provide extra assistance for children that need help reading. They sit on the counter. Well, while cashing out, the customer's 8 year-old child asked me if the buckets were for Haiti. The father, while grabbing the $400 dollar game system, replied, "What is Haiti?" I immediately wanted to fall to the ground crying. What have we turned into?

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